When I noticed Hajimete no Gal (My First Girlfriend is a Gal) was among the dozens of anime series that started this month, I remembered I hadn’t finished another series with a “gyaru” main character: Please Tell Me! Galko-chan (available on Crunchyroll). I had watched some of it in early 2016 and I recall liking what I saw back then.
Tag: backlog
Backlog Reduction: Turning Girls
I’m a fan of anime with episodes shorter than 10 minutes long because I find them more convenient to watch than standard length anime episodes and because those short runtimes often encourage production groups to be more efficient with their storytelling. There is one particular short anime series with a sullen ending song that I finished watching a few days ago and regret not finishing sooner.
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Backlog Reduction: Pupa
This is my first entry in a series of posts about reducing my anime backlog one title at a time. I wrote last month about shifting toward finishing anime I have not completed watching. I have a few hundred in that category, many which I own on disc, and I’m anxious to wrap up some of them more than the others. I’m starting this journey with a horror series from early 2014 that topped an Anime News Network poll for the worst TV anime to air that year. Continue reading
Feeling Okay About Not Keeping Up With New Anime

I empathize with Yurie. (image from Kamichu!)
May marked the 10 year anniversary of me starting to blog about anime and related things. I was a college sophomore then but I am now 30 and don’t have the same level of energy and enthusiasm. I have barely watched anime over the past four months. The only ones I’ve seen since mid-May have been as part of a weekend Skype group and they’ve all been older series and movies including Princess Tutu, the Space Adventure Cobra movie, Kamichu!, and currently His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano).
Each quarterly season of new anime series contains many shows I have a medium level interest in watching but few have driven me to keep pace with weekly episodes to the ends of their respective runs. Readers who have followed me for a while might have noticed this trend. I have finished watching only 6 of the 13 anime series I discussed in a summer 2015 impressions post and made little to no progress on the many series I listed in an end-of-2014 post. Continue reading