Nodoka carrying some books in Negima
Over the years, I’ve collected a number of books I wanted to read and perhaps write about on this blog. However, I have yet to finish most of them or write much about the ones I have completed, such as Dreamland Japan and Beautiful Fighting Girl.
I don’t anticipate watching many new anime in the upcoming summer season so the next three months might be a good time for me to finish reading the books that have stacked up.

Some of the books I intend to tackle this summer.
There are about twenty titles I want to get through this summer and most of those are non-fiction books concerning anime, manga or Japanese culture/literature. I have a list of other similar books I’d like to start after I finish with this first group so I probably won’t run out of things to read for a while.
I’m hoping I can build some momentum as I go along and write about books on a more regular basis.
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