12 Days 2014 Day 12 – Anime Series I Watched from 2014 & What I Still Want To Try

Technically, this scene was from 2013.

There are a lot of anime series that debut each anime season and many of them I don’t get around to sampling, either because I was watching other shows and/or I felt indifferent toward plot descriptions I read before they started. As weeks pass and people continue to talk about certain shows (mostly in a positive light), I think about maybe trying the ones I passed over after they finish their runs.

This post contains lists of anime series that premiered in 2014 I haven’t tried yet but still want to in the new year, broken down by debut season. I used general buzz from people I follow on Twitter as well as user ratings on Anime-Planet in compiling the titles. I also listed the shows I completed, started and dropped so that readers know what I did try during the year and, in some cases, need to finish.

Feel free to respond in the comments with recommendations of which series to definitely go for and which I shouldn’t bother with.

(By the way, some of the titles I listed below were profiled in Flawfinder’s countdown of disappointingly bad shows – I might be a little more cautious about those.)


D-Frag!; Go! Go! 575; Space Dandy season 1; Tonari no Seki-kun; Wooser season 2

Engaged to the UnidentifiedHozuki no ReitetsuInari, Konkon, Koi IrohaNobunagun; Pupa; Super Sonico the AnimationWitch Craft Works; World Conquest Zvezda Plot

Nisekoi; Onee-chan ga Kita; Sakura Trick; Strange+Wizard Barristers

Want to try:
Buddy ComplexNoragami, The Pilot’s Love SongRobot Girls ZWake Up, Girls!Youkai Watch

I began the year with renewed hope that I’d keep up with what I decided to continue watching after trying out the first episode or two of what I was interested in. That was the case for most of the shorts I saw but by the end of January, I fell behind once again. I finished a couple series after they aired (D-Frag! and Space Dandy season 1) and still have a handful that I sort of want to complete.


none yet

Abarenbou Rikishi!! MatsutarouBaby Steps; Haikyu!!; Nandaka Velonica; Ping Pong the Animation

none yet

Want to try:
Break BladeBrynhildr in the DarknessCaptain EarthChaika The Coffin PrincessThe Irregular at Magic High SchoolIs the Order a Rabbit?The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel BehaviorKnights of SidoniaMekaku City Actors; Nanana’s Buried TreasureOne Week FriendsRiddle Story of DevilSelector Infected WIXOSSThe World is Still Beautiful

I mostly started watching all the new sports shows during spring season and not much else. That’s why there are many series I heard other people talking about but didn’t attempt to watch myself as they began airing.


Ai Mai Mii season 2; Terror in Resonance

Encouragement of Climb Second Season; JinseiLocodol; Rail Wars!; Sailor Moon Crystal; Space Dandy season 2

none yet

Want to try:
Akame ga Kill!Bakumatsu RockBarakamonHanayamata; Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?; Magimoji RurumoMonthly Girls’ Nozaki-kunNobunaga ConcertoSabagebu!Tokyo Ghoul

Summer was lackluster for me, though it did provide a thriller I watched week-to-week and the return of a favorite short from 2013 with longer episodes this time around. The list of shows I still want to try from this summer is about half comprised of acclaimed stuff like Barakamon, Nozaki-kun & Tokyo Ghoul and half made up of series that weren’t as talked about.


Hi-sCool! Seha Girls

Gugure! Kokkuri-san; I Can’t Understand What My Husband is SayingParasyte; Shirobako; Tribe Cool Crew

Denki-Gai no Honya-san

Want to try:
A good librarian like a good shepherdAmagi Brilliant ParkFate/stay night: Unlimited Blade WorksGaro the AnimationGonna be the Twin-Tail!!In Search of the Lost FutureJokerMagic Kaito 1412; Rage of Bahamut: GenesisRonja the Robber’s DaughterYona of the Dawn; Your lie in AprilYuki Yuna is a Hero

When I began writing this post in early December, I had already fallen behind on Shirobako, Kokkuri-san and Tribe Cool Crew. Amagi, Magic Kaito and Ronja seemed like they were all actively fan translated so I shouldn’t have a problem in finding subs when I decide to start them.

Overall, I thought it was another year of fun, new anime productions. 2015 has some sequels I’m anticipating in second seasons of Kiniro Mosaic and Non Non Biyori but other than those two, I think I might be spending more time checking out what I missed from this year than new stuff, at least for the first couple months.

About Tom

I have been blogging about anime for more than a decade. My other interests include sports, legal affairs, and philosophy.
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  1. Pingback: Goals for 2015 | Nigorimasen!

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